The HyperTexts

Glory Sasikala

Glory Sasikala is a poet and writer currently residing in Chennai, Tamilnadu, India. She is the Editor and Publisher of the Monthly Online Prose and Poetry magazine GloMag and is the administrator of the group of the same name on Facebook. She is a language editor and quality analyst by profession.

Office Blues

In the stillness
Someone coughed
Someone yawned
Boss on phone

Control A
Control C
Control V
My thoughts
In his diary.

The whirring fan
My ice-cold
Blank at screen

Her tinkling laughter
jars on my tired brain

Switch off.
Time to go home...

Your Wedding Day, My Love

Counting raindrops on the windowpane
Was it my tears that blurred?
Ticking seconds and my heartbeat
Now it’s the day
Now it’s the hour
Now it’s the morn
Now it’s the noon
Now it’s the even
Now it’s the night
of Celebrations.
Now all is still
In the dark hour
As you lose yourself in her
Lost to meforever.

The HyperTexts